01403 823323 or 07904 976586 info@dandhcranehire.com

Vacuum Glass Lifting

Available Now: MRTA6 with Quadra-Tilt

MRTA6 Dual Circuit - 500kg

The MRTA6 vacuum glass lifter can lift a weight of 500kg, any shape to a maximum of 18m high. The lifter has a rotation of 90 degrees left, right, up and down. It can also lift flat non-porous materials (for example sheet metals.)

D&H Crane Hire is the right choice for your next lifting project!

Contact us Today for a quick quote or more information!

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D&H Crane Hire

Serving Southeast England

The Old Dairy
Pallinghurst Farm
Guildford Rd Rudgwick
West Sussex RH12 3BQ

01403 823323

07904 976586


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